
We Suck

Been seriously neglecting the blog. The frigid temps have been a little rough as well. Getting out in the cold and dark to train has been particular challenging lately, though we do feel like Rocky training in the snow to beat the Russian dude when we are outside doing back squats in the dark with hats and gloves on. Fortuantely the evenings are getting lighter.

Two weeks of whatever the hell that bug is that is going around and Rachel's bum knee didn't help, either.

Now to keep things up to date...


MickHD said...

Yeah it has been quite cold, accidentally ran 6 miles out in this weather, had to stop and warm up my hands cause it started to hail.

Weather better get better, I want to attempt a 8-10 mile run soon.

Kristina K. W. said...

yeah you better get back on it. I was doing squat cleans in the gym yesterday (the WOD) and on my 3rd set of squat cleans i caught the bar and basically fell on my ass because my legs said "uh uh!" it was pretty funny...I rested for a sec and kept going. :)