

Ken working through mechanics of the powerclean. This is one lift, for both of us, that we always feel we are refining in major ways. Not quite to muscle memory yet, no matter how many times Mike and Carrie had us do them. But, we do know that breaking it down into its seperate components (the deadlift, then the scoop, then the drive) we at least feel like we are in the ballpark.
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MickHD said...

Which do you think is best? Kettlebell or Dumbbell snatches?? I haven't been able to get my hands on a Kettlebell considering buying one... Finally found some here in Corvallis, costly though.

Ken said...

We pretty much only use our kettlebell for swings. We used the dumbells a lot more often for various presses and snatches. We found a used set of several pairs of dumbells for the cost of one single kettlebell. I think that would offer more versatility for the money. We mainly have the one kettlebell because a friend sold us a used one for a good price.